Scarborough Energy Project
Woodside's Scarborough Energy Project is located 375km off the Pilbara coast of WA. Scarborough will provide thousands of jobs and supply reliable energy to Australia and the world. It will support the energy transition and help neighbouring Asian countries take action on emissions reduction.
Scarborough Energy Project-
Project capacity LNG (100% of project)
Target first LNG cargo
Over three quarters complete (excluding Pluto Train 1 modifications)
Scarborough Energy Project
The Scarborough Energy Project is over three quarters complete (excluding Pluto Train 1 modifications) and is set to deliver natural gas in 2026.
The Scarborough field is located in the Carnarvon Basin, approximately 375 km off the Pilbara coast of Western Australia. The Scarborough gas field will be developed through new offshore facilities connected by an approximately 430 km pipeline to a second LNG train (Pluto Train 2) at the existing Pluto LNG onshore facility.
The Scarborough Energy Project will include the installation of a floating production unit (FPU) with eight wells drilled in the initial phase and 13 wells drilled over the life of the Scarborough gas field. All wells will be tied back to a semi-submersible FPU moored in 950 m of water close to the Scarborough gas field. Approximately 5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of Scarborough gas will be processed through Pluto Train 2, with up to 3 Mtpa processed through the existing Pluto Train 1.

It’s our priority to ensure the benefits of Scarborough are shared amongst Western Australians and used to fund the next steps in our energy transition. The economic benefits to WA are significant and the energy that is produced can play an important role globally.
Meg O'Neill, CEO and Managing Director
$50 Billion
The Scarborough Energy Project is expected to generate more than A$50 billion in indirect and direct taxes for Australia's economy.
Source: ACIL Allen
The Scarborough Energy Project is expected to boost GDP by billions of dollars.
$115 million
The Scarborough Energy Project has invested more than A$115 million with Karratha-based businesses.
The Scarborough Energy Project is expected to generate more than 3,000 construction phase jobs in WA.
Source: ACIL Allen
2023 North West Australia Community Development Report
We understand the importance of supporting strong local content, economic outcomes, positive social contribution impacts, and sustainable local supply chains that deliver benefits to our host communities.
To date, the Scarborough Energy Project has awarded over A$3.6 billion in contracts to Western Australian companies engaging over 250 businesses. The report highlights our contribution in 2023 to the local community in which we operate.
Managing our impacts
Woodside is well placed to be a part of the global energy transition. Our gas can help reduce emissions, displacing more intensive energy sources such as coal and biomass, while enabling customers to deliver affordable energy and climate action. We recognise that strong environmental performance is essential to our success and continued growth.
The Scarborough energy project will significantly contribute to Woodside’s cash flow, enabling us to take forward a range of new energy opportunities and thrive through the energy transition. As the world transitions towards net zero and the use of renewables continues to grow, Scarborough will play a key role in supporting those countries that still lack access to affordable and reliable energy. More than half the world’s population lives in Woodside’s target market regions and all of Woodside’s principal target LNG markets are in countries that have committed to net zero and currently have a heavy reliance on coal to meet their energy needs. Our customers are using LNG as part of their plans to meet their emissions goals – by replacing coal, or firming up renewables, or in hard-to-abate sectors. Scarborough gas processed through Pluto Train 2 will be one of the lowest carbon intensity sources of LNG delivered into Asian markets.
Woodside is committed
to playing a significant role in the world’s
energy transformation, through limiting
our own emissions and reducing global
emissions by supplying cleaner energy to a
world that needs it. Woodside will reduce Scarborough’s direct GHG emissions to as low as reasonably practical by incorporating energy efficiency measures in design and operations. Further information on how this is being achieved is included in the Scarborough Offshore Project Proposal, sections and 7.1.3.
We've also set targets at Pluto, our world-class natural gas facility, to put us on track to net zero emissions by 2050. Woodside’s Pluto Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program
(GGAP) was approved by the Western Australian Minister
for Environment in June 2021. The GGAP includes interim and long-term
targets to achieve a 30% emissions reduction from approved
levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050 across the entire
project1. The targets incorporate emissions associated with
Pluto Train 2.
1 Pluto LNG Development Public Environmental Review (2006) emissions estimate of 4.1 Mtpa CO2-e for two LNG trains
Read more:
Our approach to climate change
Pluto LNG Facility Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program
Pluto LNG Facility Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program Factsheet
As part of the Scarborough development, an Offshore Project Proposal (OPP) has been accepted by NOPSEMA in accordance with the requirements of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (Environment Regulations), and associated guidelines.
The OPP will be implemented by ensuring that all petroleum activities are within the scope of the accepted OPP, and the adoption of controls and environmental performance outcomes specified in the OPP in any future petroleum activity Environment Plans (EPs).
Woodside has developed the Environmental Management Implementation Approach for Scarborough gas plant, which consists of:
- managing activities in accordance with existing fit-for purpose systems, practices and procedures under the Woodside Management System
- identifying key roles and responsibilities for Woodside and contractor personnel in relation to the implementation and management of Environmental Performance Outcomes (EPOs) for Scarborough
- developing plans and procedures for emergency preparedness and response for all future petroleum activities
- monitoring of EPO implementation through controls, environmental performance standards and associated measurement criteria specific to the activity for which an EP is being developed
- undertaking environmental performance audits
- reporting on the environmental performance of the project to NOPSEMA
- managing changes to the OPP concerning the activity scope, understanding of the environment, and potential new advice from external stakeholders.
Read more:
Woodside continues to work with Traditional Custodians to identify, manage and protect heritage in the area to support the development of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan. Following discovery of Australia's first subsea Indigenous artefacts in the waters off Murujuga in July 2020, Woodside has proactively sought to understand the potential heritage values of the submerged cultural landscape for the Scarborough pipeline. Archaeological and ethnographic assessments have been undertaken to inform the potential for submerged Indigenous cultural heritage to exist in the Scarborough development footprint. The assessments have concluded there is a nil to low likelihood of submerged heritage in the project footprint and no Aboriginal heritage sites were identified under the relevant legislation.
Read more:
Scarborough Cultural Heritage Management Plan
Scarborough Pipeline Cultural Heritage Assessment – Executive Summary
Environmental approvals and reporting
Woodside strongly supports the Australian and Western Australian Governments’ environmental assessment and approval processes.
We have consulted, and continue to consult, with all relevant stakeholders in relation to the Scarborough project. We have conducted extensive consultation since 2018 with interested and relevant stakeholders to support the environmental referrals. Woodside continues to progress all remaining relevant secondary approvals. Further information regarding relevant project activity Environment Plans can be found below.
Scarborough Economic Impact
Consultants at ACIL Allen have found that Woodside’s Scarborough project (during construction and over its productive life) is expected to result in a significant direct contribution to the Australian economy through capital and operational spending, employment, taxation payments and exports. The majority of these direct impacts will be realised in Western Australia, particularly in the Pilbara region.
Working with us
The development of Woodside’s Scarborough Energy Project will provide a boost to WA, increasing jobs and bringing work through the supply chain.
Woodside is working closely with our key contractors to maximise opportunities for local, regional and WA businesses across the supply chain for Scarborough. The majority of direct opportunities for Pluto Train 2 will be realised in WA, including Indigenous
participation opportunities, with firm commitments to support skills development and training for Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents in the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions to meet employment and supplier opportunities arising from the development.
Job opportunities for the Scarborough Energy Project and Pluto LNG expansion will be posted on the following sites as required.
Participating interests
Participant | Scarborough | Pluto Train 2 |
Woodside (operator) | 74.9% | 51% |
Global Infrastructure Partners | - | 49% |
LJ Scarborough Pty Ltd (LNG Japan) | 10% | |
JERA Scarborough Pty Ltd (JERA) | 15.1% |
- All aboard for Pluto Train 2
- Winyama Contract Award
- Scarborough Energy Project completes trunkline installation
- First-modules-arrive-for-Scarborough-Energy-Project
- Woodside completes sale to JERA of 15.1% in Scarborough
- Woodside completes sale of 10% Scarborough interest
- Woodside completes Pluto Train 2 sell-down to GIP
- Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 developments approved
- Pluto LNG Facility Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program
- Pluto LNG Facility Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program Factsheet
- Pluto LNG Expansion Overview Fact Sheet (May 2022)
- Scarborough Cultural Heritage Management Plan
- Scarborough Dredging and Spoil Disposal Management Plan
- Scarborough Offshore Project Proposal
- 2023 Scarborough Energy Project Community Development Report Summary