Browse is Australia's largest untapped conventional gas resource.
Project capacity LNG/LPG + domestic gas (100% of project)
Concept definition phase commenced
Woodside, as Operator for and on behalf of the Browse Joint Venture, is proposing to develop the Brecknock, Calliance and Torosa fields located approximately 425 km north of Broome in the offshore Browse Basin.
In September 2018, the BJV selected the Browse to North West Shelf (NWS) Project development concept to progress into the concept definition phase. The proposed development concept includes: two floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities delivering 11.4 Mtpa of LNG/LPG and domestic gas; and an approximately 900 km pipeline to existing NWS Project infrastructure.
A carbon capture and storage (CCS) solution to abate Browse reservoir carbon dioxide (CO2) has been determined by the BJV to be feasible and the CCS infrastructure has subsequently been incorporated into the development concept.1
1 Regulatory approvals processes are ongoing.

Environmental approvals
The proposed Browse to NWS Project was determined by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to be a controlled action and would be assessed at an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) level of assessment.
The decision notice identified these matters of national environmental significance as being relevant to the proposed Browse to NWS Project under Part 3 of the EPBC Act:
- National Heritage values of a National Heritage place
- Listed threatened species and communities
- Listed migratory species
- Commonwealth marine area, the protected matter being the environment generally.
Consistent with section 103(1)(c) of the EPBC Act, Woodside Energy Ltd. released a draft EIS for the Browse to NWS Project for public comment from 18 December 2019 – 12 February 2020. The period for public comment is closed.
The EIS has now been finalised taking account of any comments received during the period for public comment. The final EIS consists of the EIS and Supplement to the EIS. The final EIS was lodged with DCCEEW in accordance with section 104(3) of the EPBC Act.
The WA State waters component of the proposed Browse Project was referred to the WA Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the WA Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) in October 2018. On 22 January 2019, the EPA determined that the proposed Browse Project requires assessment under Section 29 of the EP Act and set a Public Environmental Review (PER) level of assessment.
- Proposed Browse to NWS Project Draft EIS/ERD (December 2019)
- Proposed Browse to NWS Project Supplement Report to the Draft EIS (July 2022)
- Proposed Browse to NWS Project - Environmental Review Document - Response to Submissions
- Appendices - Proposed Browse to NWS Project - Environmental Review Document - Response to Submissions
Environmental approvals timeline
Woodside continues to work with the State and Commonwealth regulators with regards to the feedback received on the draft EIS/ERD.
Referral Oct 2018
Scoping document process Sep 2019
Submission of draft EIS/ERD Dec 2019
Public comment period Dec 2019
Supplement draft EIS/ERD H1 2021
Respond to comments via submission of Supplement draft EIS/ERD
DCCEEW assess acceptability of supplement to the EIS Sep 2022
Final EIS published Sep 2022
EPA publishes Response to Submissions and commences drafting assessment report Dec 2023
Federal and State Ministers' decision
Participating interests
Lease/permit interests (State): TR/5 and R2
Lease/permit interests (Commonwealth): WA-28-R, WA-29-R, WA-30-R, WA-31-R and WA-32-R
Participant | Interest |
Woodside Browse Pty Ltd | 30.60% |
BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd | 44.33% |
Japan Australia LNG (MIMI Browse) Pty Ltd | 14.40% |
PetroChina International Investment (Australia) Pty Ltd | 10.67% |
Woodside Energy Ltd is operator for and on behalf of the Browse Joint Venture