Safe keeping
To strengthen safety culture across the business, more than 100 Woodside volunteers will provide two-way feedback on health, safety and environment messages via a Global 4W Network.

A gap exists in the levels of safety awareness and application of safety processes between Woodside’s office and site-based personnel.
That was the finding of a recent DuPont safety culture survey.
Conducted throughout the business, the survey last year revealed the level of safety awareness and application was higher across operational sites than in our offices.
And it was a finding that needed to be addressed.
Debbie Morrow, vice president Health, Safety Environment and Quality (HSEQ), notes the drivers for health and safety awareness and adherence to safe working practices are persistent and compelling across Woodside’s gas plants and offshore facilities, and throughout our operations and logistics.
“But that doesn’t mean our office-based staff aren’t exposed to risks every day as we see office-related injuries and illnesses in our business,” Debbie points out.
“Regardless of where you work, everyone needs to understand the health and safety risks they are exposed to, and understand how the work they do influences our health and safety performance.”
Woodside’s safety culture is integral to the Compass value of working sustainably and is often described as “the way we do things around here”.
“Our safety culture is never ‘done’; it requires daily consistent practice and reinforcement,” she adds.
Karine Evesque, Woodside’s safety manager, agrees.
“Safety culture is about extending our safety behaviours both at work and at home, and influencing our people to not adopt lower safety standards when they finish work for the day,” Karine says.
She continues: “The greatest satisfaction is when we hear our office people tell us how they acknowledge working for Woodside prompts them to make better decisions at home, keeping themselves and their loved ones safe.”
With the DuPont safety culture survey results in mind, a strategy was devised to embed a stronger safety culture within the business.
With ExCom endorsement, the Woodside Workplace, Wellness and Wellbeing (4W) global network, chaired by Debbie, was formed.
This network brings together passionate people from across Woodside offices – including our international offices.
All volunteers, they are committed to elevating awareness and driving a sustained change in behaviour across the business.
Theo Anderson, general manager health and wellbeing, explains the role of these Global 4W Network volunteers.
“It’s not only to help make the health and safety and environment messages personal and relatable for their team, for those at home and beyond; it’s also to provide feedback on HSEQ’s office-based initiatives and our communication effectiveness,” Theo says.
To date, more than 100 Woodsiders have stepped up to the plate and volunteered to become Global 4W Network members.
Debbie says the strong response is testament to our already strong HSE foundations.
“Building on these foundations, we have passionate and dedicated staff willing to put in the extra effort as we strive to further improve our safety culture – and enjoy a ‘Perfect HSE Day’ every day,” she says.
Read the full Q2 2019 issue of Trunkline here.